PHMG-phosphate is a polycationic electrolyte that has a unique combination of physical, chemical and biocidal features, which make this polymer, the same as poly-hexamethylene-guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG HCH), used almost in every sector of national economy.
Keeping all biocidal properties of PHMG-hydrochloride, PHMG-phosphate is characterized by the absence of corrosive chlorine ions in the molecule of agent, what significantly expands the range of its function.
PHMG-phosphate's scopes of application, besides those where PHMG-hydrochloride is applicable, are:
The commodity form of PHMG-phosphate delivering in a private company "Termite" is a clear 25% solution packaged in any convenient for the consumer plastic containers with a capacity from 10 to 1000 litters.
The product quality is ensured by constant control of the production-measuring laboratory of the company, which is certified by the public enterprise "Rivnestandartmetrologiya" to carry out measurements outside the scope of state metrological control.
In each production-run the final content of the monomer - hexamethylenediamine is monitored by vapor-liquid chromatography and doesn't exceed 0,05%.