
Disinfectant «POLYDISIN»

Disinfectant POLYDISIN
TU U 20.2-21088370-007:2014
Certificate of state registration No. 05.03.02-08/1519 dd. 08.04.2016

Disinfectant POLYDISIN - transparent, workable 25% solution of polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride (PHMH-HCH) in distilled water. Non-volatile, without odor, compatible with soaps and anionic active substances and concentrated solutions of chlorine-containing compounds. It doesn’t cause metal corrosion, doesn’t discolour fabric, doesn’t fix organic contamination.

Purpose and spheres of use:

Disinfectant POLYDISIN is used to perform current, terminal and preventive disinfection in the following spheres:

  • at motive power and facilities for provision of railway, automobile, air and public transport;
  • to perform disinfection and presterilizing clearing of medical devices of simple configuration (excluding endoscopes), as well as medical equipment;
  • to disinfect medical and preventive treatment facilities, educational and pre-school establishments;
  • to struggle with hospital infections;
  • to disinfect food industry enterprises, communal facilities and institutions of public service;
  • to clean and disinfect drinking water, water from surface water reservoirs, swimming pools, wells, municipal and industrial sewage;
  • to prevent and eliminate fungi, mold, algae.
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Specific biological properties of the agent, antimicrobial spectrum

POLYDISIN has bactericidal, tuberculocidal; virucidal (including causative agents of hepatitis, HIV, rota-, enterovirus of influenze type A (Н5N1), А (Н1 N1) and fungicidal (including fungi Саndida, pathogenic dermatophytes and mold fungi) properties, highly active to associations of causative agents of hospital infection.

Toxicity level and safety of the agent

Pelialan jatkuva uudistuminen tuo pelaajille yhä parempia vaihtoehtoja, ja erityisesti uudet kasinot, joissa on tervetuliaisbonus, houkuttelevat laajaa käyttäjäkuntaa. Tällaiset kasinot ymmärtävät pelaajien tarpeet ja tarjoavat houkuttelevia aloitusetuja, kuten talletusbonuksia, ilmaiskierroksia tai jopa bonuksia ilman talletusta. Näiden tarjousten avulla pelaajat voivat tutustua kasinon palveluihin ilman suurta riskiä, mikä tekee niistä erityisen suosittuja uusien pelaajien keskuudessa. Uudet kasinot, joissa on tervetuliaisbonus, eivät kuitenkaan panosta vain bonuksiin. Niiden vahvuus piilee myös moderneissa alustoissa, jotka ovat käyttäjäystävällisiä ja nopeita. Lisäksi suomalaisille pelaajille suunnatut palvelut, kuten selkeät suomenkieliset ohjeet ja verovapaat voitot, tekevät pelikokemuksesta entistä houkuttelevamman.

According to acute toxicity parameters the agent belongs to the 4th class of low-hazardous substances when administering into stomach and applying on skin based on requirements of GOST 12.1.007-76 “Occupational safety standards system. Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements”; in concentrations recommended for disinfection it doesn’t irritate ocular mucosa and upper air passages; it doesn’t cause skin irritant, skin resorptive, sensibilizing action; it doesn’t have mutagenic, cumulative, embryotoxic, gonadotoxic and cancerogenic properties. MAC in the working zone area for polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride is not determined.
As a result of low volatility, the agent is low-hazardous in case of inhalation exposure.

Procedure for making solutions and methods of their usage are specified in “Methodology instructions” dd. 08.04.2016 No. 732 – 2016.


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